Mid Hudson Hockey Officials Association

This really happened...

Previous Real Situations

Level: Midget  Teams: Millbrook -v- Englwood
Date: 12/22/01. Location: Millbrook Prep School, Millbrook, NY

Situation: Attacking player bats the puck with his hand at the opposing goalkeeper. The goalkeeper freezes the puck. Where is the ensuing face off?

Click the ref at the right to find out the call:

Actual Call

The official held the face off at the end zone dot.

Do you agree with the call? I couldn't find anything in the case book, but, found the situation on the IHONC website, with a response from Bob Hayden


Team A hand passes the puck directly at Team B's Goalie. Due to pressure the goalie is forced to cover the puck, causing a stopage. Where is the face off conducted? (http://ihonc.com/LockerRoom/index.php3?msg=4588)

Here is the ruling from the National RIC: "End zone face-off spot. I know the arguments for outside - if the goalkeeper let the puck enter the goal, it would be a disallowed goal for an illegal action by the attacking team. Or, if the puck was high-sticked, it would go all the way down. Or if an attacking player other than the one batting it was next to play the puck, the face-off would go outside. But here's the difference: Unlike a high-sticked puck which is illegal unless something happens, a hand pass is legal unless something happens. For example, a player can "receive" his own hand pass but he can't be next to play his own high-sticked puck. If the goalkeeper is being pressured by the player who hand passed the puck, then that wouldn't create an illegal play if he next controls the puck. We need to have the same ruling for what is happening, and an end zone face-off does it for me. Bob Hayden (http://ihonc.com/LockerRoom/index.php3?msg=4615)


Do you have a real situation that you would like as the Question of the month or added to this page. Email me at WHISTLE19@HOTMAIL.COM. Please include the following in the mail: Date, location, teams involved, the situation, your call, and the correct call (if known) with supporting information from the USA Hockey handbook if possible. If you don't know the correct call send it anyway, I'll see if I can find the correct answer. Tony Janicik